Yantra Mantra Tantra Occultism
Agasthiyar Aruliya Yantra Arudam - Tamil | Hindu Spiritual Book
"Agasthiyar Aruliya Yantra Arudam" is an enlightening Tamil book that delves into the mystical world of yantras and their spiritual significance as...
View full detailsSubha Yantra Mantra Tantra Mahimalu - Telugu | by K. V. Mohanram/ Hindu Mantra Book
"Unveil the power of sacred mantra, tantra, and yantra in this insightful Hindu book, a complete guide to spiritual growth and divine protection." ...
View full detailsTantrika Marmalu - Telugu | by Dr. K. Atchireddy/ Hindu Tantra Book
Tantika Marmalu Telugu Book is a comprehensive spiritual and philosophical text that delves into the deep secrets and esoteric knowledge related to...
View full detailsSri Vidyarnava Tantram - 4 Volumes Set - Telugu | Hindu Tantra Book
Sri Vidyarnava Thantram Book is a comprehensive work focused on Sri Vidya, a revered spiritual tradition in Hinduism. It presents in-depth teaching...
View full detailsSri Varahi Tantra - Telugu | Hindu Tantra Book
Sri Varahi Tantra is an important Hindu Tantra book dedicated to the worship of Goddess Varahi, one of the prominent deities in the Shakta traditio...
View full detailsSri Swarnakarshana Bairavar Tantram - Telugu | Hindu Tantra Book
Sri Swarnakarshana Bairavar Tantram - Telugu is a revered and specialized Hindu Tantra text that delves into the worship and rituals associated wit...
View full detailsSri Saiva Rahasya Siddha Tantrallu - Telugu | Hindu Tantra Book
Sri Saiva Rahasya Siddha Tantrallu is a profound Hindu Tantra text written in Telugu. It delves into the mystical and esoteric aspects of Shaivism,...
View full detailsSri Pasupata Tantra - Telugu | Hindu Tantra Book
Sri Pasupata Tantra is a profound exploration of one of the most ancient and revered Shaivite traditions, the Pasupata Tantra. Written in Telugu, t...
View full detailsSri Panchadasa Maha Khadga Tantram - Telugu | by Swami Madhusudana Sarswathi/ Hindu Religious Book
"Sri Panchadasa Maha Khadga Tantram" in Telugu is a revered Hindu religious book that delves into the mystical and esoteric aspects of Tantra. Writ...
View full detailsSri Maha Lakshmi Tantram - Telugu | Hindu Religious Book
Sri Maha Lakshmi Tantram is a revered Hindu religious text, primarily focused on the worship, rituals, and spiritual significance of Maha Lakshmi, ...
View full detailsSri Acharya Siddha Nagarjuna Maha Tantram - Telugu | Hindu Tantra Book
Sri Acharya Siddha Nagarjuna Maha Tantram | Hindu Tantra Book is a sacred text dedicated to the teachings and spiritual practices associated with t...
View full detailsSri Lakshmi Pratyangira Tantra - Telugu | by Madhusudan Saraswati/ Hindu Religious Book
Sri Lakshmi Pratyangira Tantra by Madhusudan Saraswati, published in Telugu, is a profound Hindu religious text that delves into the esoteric pract...
View full detailsSharada Tilaka Tantra - Telugu | Hindu Tantra Book
"Sharada Tilaka Tantra" in Telugu is a significant Hindu tantra text that focuses on the worship of Goddess Sharada, who is revered as the embodime...
View full detailsRudrayamalamu - 2 Vol Set - SB - Telugu
The Rudrayamalamu is a comprehensive set of two volumes that dives into the Uttara Tantram teachings of the ancient RUDRAYAMALA TANTRAM text. In Pa...
View full detailsMalayala Mantra Rahasyalu - Telugu | by Shri Varachandra Giri Chinnayya
Malayala Mantra Rahasyalu by Shri Varachandra Giri Chinnayya is a profound exploration of the mystical and spiritual aspects of Malayala mantras. ...
View full detailsMahashakthi Mantra Tantra Rahasyam - Telugu | Hindu Mantra Book
Mahashakthi Mantra Tantra Rahasyam - Telugu Book is an in-depth exploration of the profound world of mantras, tantras, and the mysteries of the Div...
View full detailsAdrustam Koraku Tantrika Nidhi - Telugu | by K. Atchhi Reddy/ Hindu Tantra Book
Adrustam Koraku Tantrika Nidhi by K. Atchhi Reddy is a profound exploration of tantric practices aimed at enhancing fortune and success. Written in...
View full details999 Maha Mantra Tantra Yantra Rahasyalu - Telugu by Sivasri Nirmala Sankara Shastri Acharyulu is a profound Hindu mantra book that unveils the secr...
View full details333 Sri Vaishnava Siddha Tantralu - Telugu | Hindu Tantra Book
333 Sri Vaishnava Siddha Tantralu - Telugu is a Hindu Tantra book that delves into the teachings and practices of Sri Vaishnavism, a prominent trad...
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