Golu Steps Crafting the Perfect Display
Vishnu is the protector and preserver of the universe. In order to protect the universe and dharma, he descended on earth in ten different forms, ...
View full details• Navratri, marks the most auspicious days, celebrated with great enthusiasm and festivity all over India, dedicated solely to Goddess Durga and he...
View full detailsAdi Shankara was a philosopher, theologian, and teacher who dedicated his life to studying and sharing the wisdom of ancient Indian texts. His teac...
View full detailsMarapachi Bommai are traditional dolls crafted from special wood. These are an indispensable part of Navaratri Bommai Kolu doll arrangements. Marap...
View full detailsGiri Golupadi Cloth Cover - 9T | Navratri Golu Stand Cover/ Kolu Steps Cover/ Assorted Colour
• If you're looking to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your Golu display, look no further than our Golu Padi cover for decoration. Ou...
View full detailsRanganathar Clay Golu Bommai - 8 x 8.5 Inches | Giri Golu Doll/ Navaratri Golu Bomma/Gombe/Bommai
• Golu is a doll and figurine festival held in South India during Navaratri and Dussehra. It is a set of steps decorated with bommais (dolls) of al...
View full detailsSri Sivan Clay Golu Bommai - 12 x 8 Inches | Giri Golu Doll/ Navaratri Golu Bomma/Gombe/Bommai
"• Elevate your Golu display with the timeless charm of our Sree sivan Golu Doll! • This beautifully crafted Golu bommai captures the essence and g...
View full details• The Girivalam Golu doll Set is unique in that it depicts scenes of Thiruvannamalai Girivalam which is a spiritual and religious practice followed...
View full detailsKrishna is acknowledged as Lord Vishnu's eighth avatar. The god Vishnu, who protects and sustains creation, has taken on the form of Krishna. He is...
View full detailsNavratri is a festival with a wide scope of variety of displays that adorn every golu. It is used as an opportunity to refresh the existing collect...
View full detailsKolu Padi - 7.5 x 8.5 Inches | 3 Step with Kolam Design Golu Stand/ Wooden Golu Padi for Home
• Get ready to showcase your dolls in style with our innovative Golu Padi - the perfect solution for creating a stunning Navaratri display! • The S...
View full detailsDeepam Stand - 6.5 x 7.5 Inches | 3 Step with Kolam Design Stand/ Wooden Deepam Stand for Pooja
• Get ready to showcase your dolls in style with our innovative Golu Padi - the perfect solution for creating a stunning Navaratri display! • The S...
View full detailsVishnu is the protector and preserver of the universe. In order to protect the universe and dharma, he descended on earth in ten different forms, o...
View full detailsThis beautifully crafted Ayyappan Statue Paper Mache Golu Bommai is a perfect addition to your Navaratri Golu display. Made using traditional papie...
View full detailsMeenakshi Devi is a Hindu Goddess who is an incarnation of Goddess Parvati and wife of Sundareswara who is a form of Lord Shiva. The words "Meena" ...
View full detailsCrafted with Love Golu Dolls to Adorn Your Space
Our Golu Dolls are a stunning combination of heritage and craftsmanship, precisely created to add a touch of elegance and charm to any house. Each doll is lovingly and carefully created by expert artisans, ensuring that every detail captures the essence of our rich cultural history. These handcrafted dolls are made of high-quality materials, making them both sturdy and visually appealing, ideal for adding character to any home.
Each Golu Doll has brilliant colors, elaborate designs, and unique expressions, making it suitable for special occasions, festivals, or as a thoughtful present. Whether displayed during the festive Golu celebrations or placed on a mantle, these dolls create a warm and friendly ambiance in your home. Their ageless beauty and cultural significance make them valuable additions to any collection.
Navaratri Dolls that Bring the Spirit of the Festival to Life
During the nine nights of Navaratri, Navaratri dolls, also known as golu in some regions, are arranged in a vibrant display to represent various deities, mythological characters, and scenes from Indian folklore. These dolls serve as a visual feast for the eyes while also providing an opportunity for storytelling and spiritual reflection.
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