Ashtabandanam - 1 Kg | God Seat Pasting/ Ashta Bandhana/ Bandhanam
• A specialized paste called Ashtabandhanam is utilized in the customary sitting configurations for deities, particularly during temple installations and rituals.
• This special mixture, which is well-known for having adhesive qualities, is essential for keeping the god statues firmly in place on their pedestals, guaranteeing steadiness and respect when worshiping.
• In the ancient ceremony of Ashtabandhanam, the paste is used as a bonding agent to firmly adhere to the idol while preserving its holiness.
• Ashtabandhana is made with great care, combining several holy and natural components to make a strong, long-lasting glue.
• This paste represents the spiritual tie between the divine and the followers in addition to the physical bonding of the deity to its base.
• Ashtabandhana is an essential component of the pooja items used in temples, signifying the rich cultural legacy and ingrained customs of Hindu devotional activities.
• The Special Ashtabandhanam is necessary to guarantee that the idols stay in place during lengthy poojas and other ceremonial events.
• It is an essential part of the inventory of pooja accessories, emphasizing how crucial correct deity placement is to preserving the temple's spiritual ambiance.
• Ashtabandhana paste is an essential pooja accessory of Hindu rituals and traditions because it represents the devotion and care given to maintaining the sanctity and purity of the heavenly images, whether they are employed in modest home shrines or large temple sanctums.