Maha Yoga - Bhagavan Sri Ramana - English | by K. Lakshmana Sarma/ Philosophical Book
"Maha Yoga - Bhagavan Sri Ramana" is a profound philosophical book by K. Lakshmana Sarma that explores the teachings and spiritual practices of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of the most revered spiritual masters of modern India. This book delves deeply into the concept of Maha Yoga, which is the highest form of yoga according to Sri Ramana Maharshi's philosophy, emphasizing the direct path to self-realization and the ultimate union with the divine.
The book elucidates the essence of Maha Yoga as taught by Sri Ramana Maharshi, focusing on his primary teachings of self-inquiry (Atma Vichara), the quest to know the true self through inner silence and contemplation. It explores how the practice of self-inquiry leads to the realization of one’s true nature as the Atman (Self), beyond the ego and material existence. The ultimate goal of this practice is to dissolve the false identification with the body and mind and experience the state of pure consciousness, free from desires and attachments.
In addition to self-inquiry, the book also discusses the importance of silence and meditation as integral aspects of Maha Yoga. It explains how through quietening the mind and observing the inner thoughts, one can transcend the mental noise and attain a direct experience of the formless reality. The book provides both theoretical and practical guidance, offering insights into how the aspirant can incorporate these teachings into daily life and reach spiritual liberation (moksha).
The English translation of this book makes Sri Ramana Maharshi’s profound teachings accessible to a broader audience, especially to those who are interested in understanding the depths of Advaita Vedanta and non-dualism. The author, K. Lakshmana Sarma, a disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi, shares his deep understanding and personal insights into the Maharshi's spiritual philosophy and his transformative approach to Yoga and self-realization.