Giri Darbai Grass - Nuni Darbai | Kusha Grass/ Darbai Pul/ Tharbai Pul for Pooja
Nuni Dharbam is a bunch of kusha grass which can be used to create pavitram, koorcham, pugnam. It is used for puja purposes both in Temple and puja room.
• At the time of eclipse, people place that grass in food items that could ferment and once the eclipse ends the grass is removed.
• Darbai pull or Kusha grass finds an important place in any ritual of Sanatana Dharma.
• Darbai grass is an excellent conductor and preserver of positive energies.
• It is proven that it can conduct even the vibrations of a typical sound (mantra) between two objects.
• Nuni Dharbam is a bunch of kusha grass which can be used to create pavitram, koorcham, pugnam.