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Varalakshmi Vratham 2024

Varalakshmi Vratham 2024

About Varalakshmi Vratham   

Varamahalakshmi Vratham is an alternate name for Varalakshmi Vratham. Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Vishnu's celestial consort, is the subject of this well-known Hindu holiday. Married women fast during this holiday, especially in South India, to ask for blessings in the form of money, prosperity, and family well-being. Sri Varalakshmi Vratham is observed on a Friday during the Shukla Paksha of the Shravana month. On Friday, August 16, 2024, Varalakshmi Vratham will be observed.

The planning of Varalakshmi Vratam 

A day to be auspicious for worshiping Goddess Lakshmi is Sri Varalakshmi Vratham. People perform unusual acts to honor and demonstrate their affection for Varalakshmi during her fast. To prepare their houses for the puja, they first give them a thorough cleaning. The deity is then given a separate space with lovely rangoli on the floor. On one particular spot, they placed a holy pot that was filled with rice, water, betel nuts, mango leaves, and a coin. Place a tiny figurine or photograph of Goddess Lakshmi on top of the pot. People present the goddess with fruits, flowers, and other offerings. They also narrate tales about the goddess and sing special songs.  People light diyas, or lamps, in front of the goddess Lakshmi and sing joyful songs after making offerings. Everyone eats a special meal known as prasad. At the conclusion, everyone expresses regret for any wrongdoing and gives thanks to the goddess Lakshmi for everything.

The Significance of Varalakshmi Viratham

For Hindu ladies, Sri Varalakshmi Vratham is one of the most significant holidays. When this lakshmi vratam is performed with devotion and purity, the following happens:

 The goddess of prosperity and plenty of wealth is Lakshmi. During the varalakshmi vratam, she is worshipped, and it is believed that doing so will benefit the devotees. This vratham unites the family's members—especially the husband and wife—into a powerful, unbreakable bond of love by promoting harmony, serenity, and understanding. Vratham grants all desires. It is stated that for sincere devotees, the vratham fulfills every wish. It is possible that all goals related to a work, family, marriage, and personal aspirations will come true.

The Advantages Varalakshmi Vratham 

In addition to its spiritual and religious benefits, Varalakshmi Vratham offers the following additional advantages: 

Develops Self-Control and Discipline: The vratham, which involves fasting and a stringent set of rites to be performed, develops self-control and discipline in everyone.

Encourages Gratitude and Devotion: Worshiping Goddess Lakshmi makes one feel more appreciative and devoted, which in turn helps one progressively grow closer to a spiritual connection.

Empowering Women: Since women do this vratham the majority of the time, it can be used to establish a foundation for female empowerment and confirm their place in the household.

Varalakshmi Vratham Procedures

Early Morning Rituals: Those who follow varatham begin their days by bathing, getting dressed in clean or fresh clothes, and rising early.

Kalash Sthapana: Prepared Kalash is prsented in front of Goddess Lakshmi.

It symbolizes God. 

Decorating the Kalash: The kalash is made to look beautiful by decorating it with turmeric, kumkum and other flowers then placing it on a layer of rice or cereals.

Invoking the Goddess: The goddess is invoked by chanting specific mantras and inviting her to reside in the kalash.

Offerings and Aarti: Devotees make aarti to the Goddess and gift a variety of goods, including fruits, flowers, and sweets. One reads or hears the Varalakshmi Vratham narrative (katha).

Tying the Sacred Thread: It is customary for women to tie a sacred yellow thread around their right hand in a protective and prosperous manner.

Naivedyam and Prasad: Delightfully prepared sweet and savory foods are presented to the Goddess. These are given as prasad to family and friends following the puja.

Vratam Observance: Some women observe a fast or consume simple meals after the puja.

Finding our varalakshmi products

GIRI acknowledges the importance of Varalakshmi Vratham, the festival dedicated to paying homage to Goddess Lakshmi. We offer a distinctive range of products that can be utilised on this holy day to enhance the significance of your festivities. With carefully selected GIRI Varalakshmi products, this Varalakshmi Vratham promotes delight. Allow us to assist you in creating unique memories as we accompany you on your spiritual journey. 

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